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The Disease of Humility:

Writer's picture: Mikel AmeenMikel Ameen

A Discussion between a Wife and Husband

In the heart of a Kiwandani village in Kenya, a husband and wife engage in a profound discussion about the disease of humility and its impact on the pursuit of success, framed within the context of the Ma'at principles and the Law of Auset. This conversation unveils the harmful consequences of excessive humility and how it hinders the essential elements of risk and sacrifice necessary for achieving greatness.

African Wisdom and the Ma'at Principles

African cultures have a long history of wisdom and tradition, often rooted in principles that guide human behavior and interactions. One such guiding philosophy is the Ma'at principles, which emphasize truth, justice, balance, and harmony. The Law of Auset, an essential aspect of Ma'at, underscores the importance of nurturing the spirit of success and dedication to peace.

The Disease of Humility

The husband opens the conversation by noting that humility can be a debilitating disease, primarily because it discourages individuals from taking risks. He asserts that those who think lowly of themselves often avoid stepping out of their comfort zones. This reluctance to take risks can prevent them from realizing their full potential.

The wife concurs, explaining that humility often keeps individuals within their comfort zones, focused on making ends meet and working hard without aiming for something greater. This state of contentment can hinder personal growth and development.

Historical Roots of Humility

The husband delves into the historical origins of humility within African communities. He recalls how in the colonial era, the powers that be used to suppress those who dared to think differently or sought to rise above the norm. This suppression created a culture of silence and conformity as individuals were afraid to support risk-takers due to the punishment they might face for doing so.

The Paradox of Confidence

The couple then explores the paradox of confidence in today's society. While humility is associated with thinking lowly of oneself, overly confident individuals are often labeled as narcissists. They discuss how a true narcissist is not someone confident but rather a person who seeks to control and manipulate others for their own benefit. True confidence is rooted in self-belief and a willingness to take risks.

Sacrifice for Success

They agree that success requires sacrifice and risk-taking, as Mama Auset once said, "Prepare to sacrifice everything to become the vessel of peace on earth." This devotion to serving peace, they believe, is the essence of success. By being willing to let go of the familiar, individuals open themselves up to the possibility of receiving everything in return.

The Role of Auset and Ma'at

The couple relates their discussion to the Ma'at principles and the Law of Auset. Auset, symbolizing motherhood and nurturing, encourages individuals to embrace their confidence and work towards peace and balance. By breaking free from the confines of excessive humility, people can fulfill their potential and serve their communities better.

In conclusion, this conversation between the wife and husband highlights the importance of overcoming the disease of humility and embracing the principles of Ma'at and the Law of Auset. Confidence, risk, and sacrifice are key components in the pursuit of success and serving peace. By understanding and internalizing these principles, individuals can rise above humility, recognize their true potential, and contribute positively to their communities.

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